How does a person sitting in the Oval Office NOT know that you cannot use our US Military to patrol the border to make arrests? How do you not know that? There are so many things this idiot does not understand about the Office that it would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic AND dangerous!
We have a person sitting in the Oval Office that does not understand the job or that he is NOT a dictator nor a CEO! You CANNOT run a country 140 characters at a time nor can you run it like a business as he believes! He has done so many things that are not only unethical and immoral but also illegal that it stuns me that the republicans are not pursuing impeachment proceedings on him!
Why do people believe what this liar says all the time? I personally have disliked him for as far back as I can remember and always thought he was a narcissistic creep and liar who was only out for himself and where he could make a buck for himself! I have heard outrageous things come out of his mouth but I am still amazed how many believe what he says.
His campaign slogan about making America great again was purely illogical since I have always thought our country was great and although we have our issues here it was not cause for such a crappy slogan! The problem with his slogan is that he is doing EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE! He is causing more racial and class division since the civil rights movement in the 60's! What is his objective? To put us back into the 50's? He has shown he only cares what happens to himself, his family and close rich friends and NOBODY else! He really doesn't care about our military, our vets, our children, our basic rights, etc.! He just caress about what he can make off the taxpayers and he has been making a lot of money off of us! If you don't think so just look at the amount we pay for his trips to his own properties that we pay for and the number of vacations golfing he has taken since in office! He has spent about a third of his time at his own properties golfing and partying with the rich!
He may have had the wealthiest cabinet in history but I can say it has not been the smartest! Too many clueless people put in positions they have no clue how to do and getting rid of those that could have shown them the ropes are gone. He is tearing apart our government our country and our relationships with our allies! He has made our country a laughing stock all over the world. I am disgusted with his behavior and EVERY SINGLE republican that follows him without calling out his stupidity!
I have never been one to follow one party or another and prefer to say I go with the best candidate for the job but at this point in time the republicans need to lose their power in the elections this year as they cannot even agree amongst themselves at this time! Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnel seem to be in hiding now instead of out running their mouths as usual which makes sense with trump in charge even though they tended to agree with him for the most part! I think they have seen how far off the idiot is and are trying to distant themselves from trump but unfortunately that is not going to help them in the long run! Too little too late!
Seriously, What happened?
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