So many things have been happening since the Feb 14th school shooting in Florida! Teens have stood up for their own safety since the adults do not seem to be worrying about that as much as keeping guns or banning them! The more that I research information from all sides I believe they are ignoring many obvious problems! The Walkout on March 14th, exactly one month after 17 students and teachers lost their lives in their Florida High School, the walkout brought many different reactions. There were a lot of people that supported all students who participated and even cheered them on during this remembrance for the 17 lost lives. The part that I found disturbing were the adults that were against it for all the wrong reasons and those that were calling these kids names and berating them for standing up for themselves! These adults were showing up and jeering them and calling them names, laughing at them, saying they need to go back to class and learn the Constitution and how government works and they are all wrong! SERIOUSLY? What happened to Freedom of Speech? Why is it that ANYONE who states their opinion that is different from others seem to get called names and told they don't know what they are talking about because they have a different viewpoint! I have read comments from a mother asking if the school was forcing them to walkout for 17 min and if they were her kids were staying home because they will not participate in "this stupid garbage that she doesn't believe in" and yet she made it obvious that she had no idea that the law does NOT allow the school to be involved either way! She didn't understand that they were doing this in remembrance and NOT gun control but wanting gun VIOLENCE to stop and not be afraid to go to school! There was another comment I went back and forth with a man who seemed to think that the 17 minutes this kids were out was "disrespectful" and "they will not learn why they are wrong by not being in class" and that "if their parents were not such wimps they would have disciplined their stupid brats and not allowed them to leave class and if their kids did it without permission their parents should really punish their lousy behavior"!!!!
I have seen comments like "the only ones that will walkout will be black kids" another saying "only losers will and not come back for the day" and others say "these kids are such lazy know it all brats that should be taught a lesson instead of getting out of class"! Where do we draw the line with adults that are bullying kids? These same commenters are saying "why not stay in school and talk to the kid sitting alone or stand up for the one getting bullied instead of walking out?"!!!!!! Seriously, what has happened to our country that it is ok that adults are bullying kids in the same sentence they are telling the same kids to stop bullying? When did it become ok for politicians to call students names and bully them? Why do we think that it is ok for an adult to bully a kid and call him/her names while they sit and let these school shootings happen over and over again!
I am disgusted with our governments response to the latest mass shootings but then that is nothing new! I am in shock at the number of people that are going after kids that just want gun VIOLENCE to end! They are not the ones saying gun control or to abolish the 2nd amendment, that is coming from the far right wingnuts and the NRA! I have never been a democrat nor a republican because when you have people with common sense running for office you vote for them no matter the party BUT unfortunately it seems that many ONLY care about the party and not actual people!
There are many things that can be done to help end these endless seeming mass shootings and not one of them involves arming teachers! Arming teachers may sound like a good idea to some people but I guarantee they have not thought it through, not even the few teachers who are willing to follow through! Our military and Law Enforcement go through extensive training and their jobs require the possibility of actually shooting another human being to kill! There is a very high rate of PTSD and suicide in our military and LE because of what they have had to do in the line of duty! Their job entails constant training with guns and yet there is about a 22% chance they will not hit their target no matter how good a shot they are! Can you imagine asking a teacher to shoot a student (possibly one they taught or know well) with other teachers and students trying to run for cover and safety the whole time they are trying to take out a shooter? I will bet that the teacher that draws a weapon and fires at a student trying to kill others will never teach again after something like that whether they would or kill the aggressor or unfortunately hurt or kill and innocent person by accident! If that teacher is lucky enough to survive they will have to deal with the results of what they did and that is something most people do not deal with well at all!
We need more help with mental health issues in this country! We need to follow the laws that are already on the books that are ignored! Yes background checks are necessary and yes I believe that the weapons that are assault style are not absolutely necessary for personal use. .Bump stocks and excessive magazines are not necessary BUT if people want to have access to them they should go through a more extensive background checks and training and licensing involved for them! Parents need to pay more attention to what their children are doing and to actually teach gun safety and to lock up their guns and not allow their kids access without them there! We need to back off on the amount of technology these kids are using and how young these kids are starting out using the technology! What people don't seem to realize that the internet and cell phones and social media has evolved extremely fast over the last 30yrs and our laws haven't kept up but the technology has gotten so much better so quickly! Take for instance the video games and movies now that are so graphic that we are all becoming desensitized to things that were not even shown on the news at all or at least blurred out 20 plus years ago! Now is see 3,4,5yr olds playing on tablets or phones games like grand theft auto and sniper rifle and get angry and say they are mad because they didn't kill enough to move up to the next level! These kids are too young to know the difference between reality and fiction! our brains are not fully formed until the age of 25! When adults and our politicians see no problem with bullying kids how are our children and grandchildren going to know it's wrong and that they shouldn't when it's ok for those in our Government to do some of the most disgusting displays just because they are in office and make too much money for so little work!
Metal detectors in schools, safe rooms in classrooms that are rated for tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes that can be used in case of school shootings, having counselors informed of kids that are showing signs of depression and aggression and getting them help early on without making them feel like they are crazy or not like everyone else because of the stigma attached to mental illness! Parents need to know what their children are doing and what they are saying or reading on social media! There are many things that can change the current state of our country's mass shooting problem and none of them are taking away guns from people!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough for today!
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