Monday, March 12, 2018

Seriously What Happened?

I am serious about the title of this blog as I have seen so many things that are going the wrong way in our country! We have more people being more open with their bigotry and racism and more school shootings happening all the time! We have politicians who no longer work for the people but their own special interests and those of their campaign contributors! Lobbyists have more face time with politicians and the taxpayers below the 1% are ignored! people are fighting without actual interest whether it's right or wrong only that they blindly follow whichever party they follow! We as a country has become a laughing stock to the rest of the world as well as a possible scary problem! We used to be the richest and best country in the world that others looked towards being but no longer!
Common sense has become an endangered species and soon it will become extinct if we don't change things soon! I have thoughts and opinions as to why we have gotten to where we are and many will probably be unpopular, especially in my own home state but that is fine. I worry about the world we are leaving my grandchildren and their children and that scares me! I hope to get a strong conversation going about these ideas and issues and that we can come together to find common ground!
Back soon!

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