How does a person sitting in the Oval Office NOT know that you cannot use our US Military to patrol the border to make arrests? How do you not know that? There are so many things this idiot does not understand about the Office that it would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic AND dangerous!
We have a person sitting in the Oval Office that does not understand the job or that he is NOT a dictator nor a CEO! You CANNOT run a country 140 characters at a time nor can you run it like a business as he believes! He has done so many things that are not only unethical and immoral but also illegal that it stuns me that the republicans are not pursuing impeachment proceedings on him!
Why do people believe what this liar says all the time? I personally have disliked him for as far back as I can remember and always thought he was a narcissistic creep and liar who was only out for himself and where he could make a buck for himself! I have heard outrageous things come out of his mouth but I am still amazed how many believe what he says.
His campaign slogan about making America great again was purely illogical since I have always thought our country was great and although we have our issues here it was not cause for such a crappy slogan! The problem with his slogan is that he is doing EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE! He is causing more racial and class division since the civil rights movement in the 60's! What is his objective? To put us back into the 50's? He has shown he only cares what happens to himself, his family and close rich friends and NOBODY else! He really doesn't care about our military, our vets, our children, our basic rights, etc.! He just caress about what he can make off the taxpayers and he has been making a lot of money off of us! If you don't think so just look at the amount we pay for his trips to his own properties that we pay for and the number of vacations golfing he has taken since in office! He has spent about a third of his time at his own properties golfing and partying with the rich!
He may have had the wealthiest cabinet in history but I can say it has not been the smartest! Too many clueless people put in positions they have no clue how to do and getting rid of those that could have shown them the ropes are gone. He is tearing apart our government our country and our relationships with our allies! He has made our country a laughing stock all over the world. I am disgusted with his behavior and EVERY SINGLE republican that follows him without calling out his stupidity!
I have never been one to follow one party or another and prefer to say I go with the best candidate for the job but at this point in time the republicans need to lose their power in the elections this year as they cannot even agree amongst themselves at this time! Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnel seem to be in hiding now instead of out running their mouths as usual which makes sense with trump in charge even though they tended to agree with him for the most part! I think they have seen how far off the idiot is and are trying to distant themselves from trump but unfortunately that is not going to help them in the long run! Too little too late!
Seriously, What happened?
Daily news, politics and life discussions and what has brought about the serious issues our country is dealing with at this time! My opinion of the issues I see brought up on a daily basis and some possible reasons and partial solutions and problems with so-called solutions! Daily life Seriously!
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Saturday, March 24, 2018
No to Arming Teachers! Common Sense Reasoning!
When I first heard people talking about arming teachers in schools as a deterrent for school shootings I thought it was a good idea! Only for a very short moment in time until I thought about it and literally used logic and common sense in thinking it through! My ex husband and my husband are both war vets and many family members are too and I have several friends that have been in Iraq and Afghanistan also and several family and friends in law enforcement and they also do not agree with arming teachers! There are things that people do not even realize about aiming a gun at another human being and pulling the trigger! In most cases for military and law enforcement it is a stranger that they pull their weapon on and even some homeowners that have pulled a gun on a burglar BUT we are talking about a teacher who probably knows the shooter or taught the shooter at some point in their time at the school or the kids running for their lives they are trying to keep out of the line of fire! Teachers are already overworked and underpaid and now you are asking them to train to be able to carry a weapon and shoot a current or prior student! Officers and military are training for this all the time and according to several LE they would need 6 months of training so how are they training AND teaching????? Approximately 28% of the time trained professionals miss their target so you are hoping that a teacher that will not get the same type of training because of the length of time it takes and the fact that there is no way to teach and train enough to even get to the same point as military and LE! We are asking teachers to take a life or have theirs taken because of the split second they freeze because they are looking at a current or prior student that they should shoot to kill! The number of military and LE that end up with PTSD because of having to shoot another human being is extremely high as well as the suicide rate for them! As crappy as our mental health system is and a huge reason these mass shootings happen is due to mental health issues its not a very comforting thought for our teachers! If a teacher has to shoot someone they will more than likely NEVER teach again and even if they tried you need to remember that the students they teach more than likely saw their teacher who they liked and respected shoot somebody right in front of them and will now be afraid of that same teacher! I sure do not want our grandson (when old enough to go to school) to have a first grade teacher carrying a gun all the time! It is an absolute awful idea to have teachers carry! In my opinion from the start of school all the way through high school it would be bad and I don't like the thought of Colleges doing it but at least these students are adults!
This is NOT a deterrent and in fact could literally make things even worse! Think about it, the teachers are armed so then the person that is wanting to shoot decides against going into a school with armed teachers so they decide to do what the Vegas shooter did and shoot from a spot further away as people are going into or out of the school in large groups to take people out! We can have metal detectors and armed guards, etc, etc but until we get better mental health services and quit acting like mental health disorders are to be hidden instead of dealt with this will continue!
The safe rooms that I believe are being put in or developed in KS are a great idea because they are foremost weather safety related for some of the worst tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes and that can be the focus for the kids! Instead of having shooting drills at the forefront of their minds it can be weather drills and used for both! Parents need to become more involved with their children's lives where they know who they are interacting with and if they are victims of bullying or are actually being a bully! Schools when they claim to have a no tolerance policy about bullying need to follow through and discipline the bully instead of victimizing the victim all over again! Get these kids the help needed for their mental health!
Parents are too busy for their kids anymore it seems on one side and then there are the parents who think they know their kids every move and swear that their child would never do..... Unfortunately this happens more often than not and the kids pay the price! You have to actually pay attention and stay off your own phone and be a good example instead of worrying more about the phone in front of you instead of your children on the other side of that phone! Quit allowing your young children to play games like Grand Theft Auto and Sniper Rifle type games because it really is sad to see 3,4,5 plus year olds mad because they didn't "kill enough to get to the next level" and when asked why you allow these young kids to play the game you claim "it's just a game"! Not to those little ones because they can't tell the difference between reality and fiction and unfortunately we as a society have become so desensitized to everything that this is just beginning younger and younger when kids are allowed these things that young! No it is not just video games but movies and TV shows that the graphics have become way too realistic and even the news no longer blurs out certain things because it wouldn't be sensational enough! things have got to change and soon because we have become a society that cannot work together and our old bad history of hate is coming to the forefront again and this is not going to end well if we as parents, government and society in general do not stand up for what is right! Seriously! What happened!?!?!?!?
This is NOT a deterrent and in fact could literally make things even worse! Think about it, the teachers are armed so then the person that is wanting to shoot decides against going into a school with armed teachers so they decide to do what the Vegas shooter did and shoot from a spot further away as people are going into or out of the school in large groups to take people out! We can have metal detectors and armed guards, etc, etc but until we get better mental health services and quit acting like mental health disorders are to be hidden instead of dealt with this will continue!
The safe rooms that I believe are being put in or developed in KS are a great idea because they are foremost weather safety related for some of the worst tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes and that can be the focus for the kids! Instead of having shooting drills at the forefront of their minds it can be weather drills and used for both! Parents need to become more involved with their children's lives where they know who they are interacting with and if they are victims of bullying or are actually being a bully! Schools when they claim to have a no tolerance policy about bullying need to follow through and discipline the bully instead of victimizing the victim all over again! Get these kids the help needed for their mental health!
Parents are too busy for their kids anymore it seems on one side and then there are the parents who think they know their kids every move and swear that their child would never do..... Unfortunately this happens more often than not and the kids pay the price! You have to actually pay attention and stay off your own phone and be a good example instead of worrying more about the phone in front of you instead of your children on the other side of that phone! Quit allowing your young children to play games like Grand Theft Auto and Sniper Rifle type games because it really is sad to see 3,4,5 plus year olds mad because they didn't "kill enough to get to the next level" and when asked why you allow these young kids to play the game you claim "it's just a game"! Not to those little ones because they can't tell the difference between reality and fiction and unfortunately we as a society have become so desensitized to everything that this is just beginning younger and younger when kids are allowed these things that young! No it is not just video games but movies and TV shows that the graphics have become way too realistic and even the news no longer blurs out certain things because it wouldn't be sensational enough! things have got to change and soon because we have become a society that cannot work together and our old bad history of hate is coming to the forefront again and this is not going to end well if we as parents, government and society in general do not stand up for what is right! Seriously! What happened!?!?!?!?
Friday, March 16, 2018
So many things have been happening since the Feb 14th school shooting in Florida! Teens have stood up for their own safety since the adults do not seem to be worrying about that as much as keeping guns or banning them! The more that I research information from all sides I believe they are ignoring many obvious problems! The Walkout on March 14th, exactly one month after 17 students and teachers lost their lives in their Florida High School, the walkout brought many different reactions. There were a lot of people that supported all students who participated and even cheered them on during this remembrance for the 17 lost lives. The part that I found disturbing were the adults that were against it for all the wrong reasons and those that were calling these kids names and berating them for standing up for themselves! These adults were showing up and jeering them and calling them names, laughing at them, saying they need to go back to class and learn the Constitution and how government works and they are all wrong! SERIOUSLY? What happened to Freedom of Speech? Why is it that ANYONE who states their opinion that is different from others seem to get called names and told they don't know what they are talking about because they have a different viewpoint! I have read comments from a mother asking if the school was forcing them to walkout for 17 min and if they were her kids were staying home because they will not participate in "this stupid garbage that she doesn't believe in" and yet she made it obvious that she had no idea that the law does NOT allow the school to be involved either way! She didn't understand that they were doing this in remembrance and NOT gun control but wanting gun VIOLENCE to stop and not be afraid to go to school! There was another comment I went back and forth with a man who seemed to think that the 17 minutes this kids were out was "disrespectful" and "they will not learn why they are wrong by not being in class" and that "if their parents were not such wimps they would have disciplined their stupid brats and not allowed them to leave class and if their kids did it without permission their parents should really punish their lousy behavior"!!!!
I have seen comments like "the only ones that will walkout will be black kids" another saying "only losers will and not come back for the day" and others say "these kids are such lazy know it all brats that should be taught a lesson instead of getting out of class"! Where do we draw the line with adults that are bullying kids? These same commenters are saying "why not stay in school and talk to the kid sitting alone or stand up for the one getting bullied instead of walking out?"!!!!!! Seriously, what has happened to our country that it is ok that adults are bullying kids in the same sentence they are telling the same kids to stop bullying? When did it become ok for politicians to call students names and bully them? Why do we think that it is ok for an adult to bully a kid and call him/her names while they sit and let these school shootings happen over and over again!
I am disgusted with our governments response to the latest mass shootings but then that is nothing new! I am in shock at the number of people that are going after kids that just want gun VIOLENCE to end! They are not the ones saying gun control or to abolish the 2nd amendment, that is coming from the far right wingnuts and the NRA! I have never been a democrat nor a republican because when you have people with common sense running for office you vote for them no matter the party BUT unfortunately it seems that many ONLY care about the party and not actual people!
There are many things that can be done to help end these endless seeming mass shootings and not one of them involves arming teachers! Arming teachers may sound like a good idea to some people but I guarantee they have not thought it through, not even the few teachers who are willing to follow through! Our military and Law Enforcement go through extensive training and their jobs require the possibility of actually shooting another human being to kill! There is a very high rate of PTSD and suicide in our military and LE because of what they have had to do in the line of duty! Their job entails constant training with guns and yet there is about a 22% chance they will not hit their target no matter how good a shot they are! Can you imagine asking a teacher to shoot a student (possibly one they taught or know well) with other teachers and students trying to run for cover and safety the whole time they are trying to take out a shooter? I will bet that the teacher that draws a weapon and fires at a student trying to kill others will never teach again after something like that whether they would or kill the aggressor or unfortunately hurt or kill and innocent person by accident! If that teacher is lucky enough to survive they will have to deal with the results of what they did and that is something most people do not deal with well at all!
We need more help with mental health issues in this country! We need to follow the laws that are already on the books that are ignored! Yes background checks are necessary and yes I believe that the weapons that are assault style are not absolutely necessary for personal use. .Bump stocks and excessive magazines are not necessary BUT if people want to have access to them they should go through a more extensive background checks and training and licensing involved for them! Parents need to pay more attention to what their children are doing and to actually teach gun safety and to lock up their guns and not allow their kids access without them there! We need to back off on the amount of technology these kids are using and how young these kids are starting out using the technology! What people don't seem to realize that the internet and cell phones and social media has evolved extremely fast over the last 30yrs and our laws haven't kept up but the technology has gotten so much better so quickly! Take for instance the video games and movies now that are so graphic that we are all becoming desensitized to things that were not even shown on the news at all or at least blurred out 20 plus years ago! Now is see 3,4,5yr olds playing on tablets or phones games like grand theft auto and sniper rifle and get angry and say they are mad because they didn't kill enough to move up to the next level! These kids are too young to know the difference between reality and fiction! our brains are not fully formed until the age of 25! When adults and our politicians see no problem with bullying kids how are our children and grandchildren going to know it's wrong and that they shouldn't when it's ok for those in our Government to do some of the most disgusting displays just because they are in office and make too much money for so little work!
Metal detectors in schools, safe rooms in classrooms that are rated for tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes that can be used in case of school shootings, having counselors informed of kids that are showing signs of depression and aggression and getting them help early on without making them feel like they are crazy or not like everyone else because of the stigma attached to mental illness! Parents need to know what their children are doing and what they are saying or reading on social media! There are many things that can change the current state of our country's mass shooting problem and none of them are taking away guns from people!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough for today!
I have seen comments like "the only ones that will walkout will be black kids" another saying "only losers will and not come back for the day" and others say "these kids are such lazy know it all brats that should be taught a lesson instead of getting out of class"! Where do we draw the line with adults that are bullying kids? These same commenters are saying "why not stay in school and talk to the kid sitting alone or stand up for the one getting bullied instead of walking out?"!!!!!! Seriously, what has happened to our country that it is ok that adults are bullying kids in the same sentence they are telling the same kids to stop bullying? When did it become ok for politicians to call students names and bully them? Why do we think that it is ok for an adult to bully a kid and call him/her names while they sit and let these school shootings happen over and over again!
I am disgusted with our governments response to the latest mass shootings but then that is nothing new! I am in shock at the number of people that are going after kids that just want gun VIOLENCE to end! They are not the ones saying gun control or to abolish the 2nd amendment, that is coming from the far right wingnuts and the NRA! I have never been a democrat nor a republican because when you have people with common sense running for office you vote for them no matter the party BUT unfortunately it seems that many ONLY care about the party and not actual people!
There are many things that can be done to help end these endless seeming mass shootings and not one of them involves arming teachers! Arming teachers may sound like a good idea to some people but I guarantee they have not thought it through, not even the few teachers who are willing to follow through! Our military and Law Enforcement go through extensive training and their jobs require the possibility of actually shooting another human being to kill! There is a very high rate of PTSD and suicide in our military and LE because of what they have had to do in the line of duty! Their job entails constant training with guns and yet there is about a 22% chance they will not hit their target no matter how good a shot they are! Can you imagine asking a teacher to shoot a student (possibly one they taught or know well) with other teachers and students trying to run for cover and safety the whole time they are trying to take out a shooter? I will bet that the teacher that draws a weapon and fires at a student trying to kill others will never teach again after something like that whether they would or kill the aggressor or unfortunately hurt or kill and innocent person by accident! If that teacher is lucky enough to survive they will have to deal with the results of what they did and that is something most people do not deal with well at all!
We need more help with mental health issues in this country! We need to follow the laws that are already on the books that are ignored! Yes background checks are necessary and yes I believe that the weapons that are assault style are not absolutely necessary for personal use. .Bump stocks and excessive magazines are not necessary BUT if people want to have access to them they should go through a more extensive background checks and training and licensing involved for them! Parents need to pay more attention to what their children are doing and to actually teach gun safety and to lock up their guns and not allow their kids access without them there! We need to back off on the amount of technology these kids are using and how young these kids are starting out using the technology! What people don't seem to realize that the internet and cell phones and social media has evolved extremely fast over the last 30yrs and our laws haven't kept up but the technology has gotten so much better so quickly! Take for instance the video games and movies now that are so graphic that we are all becoming desensitized to things that were not even shown on the news at all or at least blurred out 20 plus years ago! Now is see 3,4,5yr olds playing on tablets or phones games like grand theft auto and sniper rifle and get angry and say they are mad because they didn't kill enough to move up to the next level! These kids are too young to know the difference between reality and fiction! our brains are not fully formed until the age of 25! When adults and our politicians see no problem with bullying kids how are our children and grandchildren going to know it's wrong and that they shouldn't when it's ok for those in our Government to do some of the most disgusting displays just because they are in office and make too much money for so little work!
Metal detectors in schools, safe rooms in classrooms that are rated for tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes that can be used in case of school shootings, having counselors informed of kids that are showing signs of depression and aggression and getting them help early on without making them feel like they are crazy or not like everyone else because of the stigma attached to mental illness! Parents need to know what their children are doing and what they are saying or reading on social media! There are many things that can change the current state of our country's mass shooting problem and none of them are taking away guns from people!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough for today!
Monday, March 12, 2018
Seriously What Happened?
I am serious about the title of this blog as I have seen so many things that are going the wrong way in our country! We have more people being more open with their bigotry and racism and more school shootings happening all the time! We have politicians who no longer work for the people but their own special interests and those of their campaign contributors! Lobbyists have more face time with politicians and the taxpayers below the 1% are ignored! people are fighting without actual interest whether it's right or wrong only that they blindly follow whichever party they follow! We as a country has become a laughing stock to the rest of the world as well as a possible scary problem! We used to be the richest and best country in the world that others looked towards being but no longer!
Common sense has become an endangered species and soon it will become extinct if we don't change things soon! I have thoughts and opinions as to why we have gotten to where we are and many will probably be unpopular, especially in my own home state but that is fine. I worry about the world we are leaving my grandchildren and their children and that scares me! I hope to get a strong conversation going about these ideas and issues and that we can come together to find common ground!
Back soon!
Common sense has become an endangered species and soon it will become extinct if we don't change things soon! I have thoughts and opinions as to why we have gotten to where we are and many will probably be unpopular, especially in my own home state but that is fine. I worry about the world we are leaving my grandchildren and their children and that scares me! I hope to get a strong conversation going about these ideas and issues and that we can come together to find common ground!
Back soon!
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